Monday, November 3, 2014

Finding Change Introduction

There are very few things in life that bring joy like that of finding a coin on the ground. It's like finding a little bit of life when there was none. Maybe that sounds a little arrogant or selfish, but finding money when you previously didn't have any brings a little hope where there wasn't any.

There are several reasons why we like to find money. It makes us feel like the world has a little extra to give to us, like we actually mean something, we're worth the occasional investment.

Money is a symbol of wealth, and every time we find a little bit of that wealth it makes us feel richer, like we have a little bit more of what the world has to offer. 

Some people feel an opportunity when they find money. They think about what they can use that money for to create more money or new opportunities or maybe even just find a way to help other people.

I find when I stumble across an extra coin or two, they seem to look back at me and signify a story. Those coins have been in other people's pockets, they have been passed around from shop to shop between neumerous people and somehow fell out of a pocket and landed on the ground for me to find. I look at the date on the coin and feel the texture that is left on the face of that coin and wonder what that it has seen in its lifetime.

Finding coins, For most people, is an occasional occurrence. It's something we Stumble Upon. It's a tiny surprise in the midst of our day. But I have found if you are looking for coins you will find them more often. Over the course of the last few years I have found several places and several techniques that allow me to find more coins. I want to share those places and techniques with you. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Time to get serious about writing

I have been sitting around part of the day today thinking about my world Bible.I created this document that laid out 343 different novels that I wanted to write over the course of my lifetime.

It is a vague expression of what I want to write. Today I spent some time building a book of blank pagesto help me better construct the world in the timeline for this particular world. I think if I can construct the world better, I will be able to sit down and actually write the books.

For all I know this is just busy work for me. It might be another way for me to procrastinate instead of writing them novels themselves. It did not take very long to assemble. I want to add what I have hand written on the Bible over the past few weeks. Then I'm going to send the whole thing out to be printed in a spiral-bound book so I canstart adding to it making a world that is ready to be written in.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Do We Need to Write on Paper Anymore?

It is the digital age, at time where everything we do seems to be done on the computer or on the cloud by some sort of mobile device. 

I have begun to wonder if there is even need for paper anymore. We can have receipts sent to our cell phones or emails. We can write letters on Facebook. We don't even read our books on paper anymore. We all have tablets. 

I find that it is easier to dictate what I want to write onto my phone than it os to find a moment to sit down and write Somerjing on a keyboard. 

What I do still use paper for is getting my ideas out. I still walk around with a composition book I keep nores and ideas in. It is also great for doodling in. It's harder to doodle freely on a computer or tablet.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Writing on the toilet

I am someone who will take something with me to write on when I go to the restroom. Sometimes because I really need to use the potty. Sometimes I'm just using the bathroom is a way to get away. Most of the time I will read. I will bring a book with me or I will surf the Internet on my smart phone or just check email. But sometimes I will use this opportunity to write.

There are many ways to write on the toilet. I find the easiest is to use the various apps available on your smart phone. I will sometimes write on the notepad or I will write in Facebook or I will write on the Blogger app.

If I don't have anything specific to be writing, I will bring my notebook and brainstorm ideas. My notebook has plenty of starting points for me. All I have to do is flip through the notebook and find something that I can build upon and start writing.

I have known people to take their laptops in the bathroom with them. I don't know if I will ever do that myself. I think a laptop on my lap while I'm trying to do my business is a little awkward. It's a lot of hardware to have to move when you need to do what you need to do.

Whether you are in the bathroom for five minutes or 25 minutes take something with you to write on. The quiet moments in this room is a great way to work out some details for a story or to outline a series of books or even just the jott down a quote that you know one of your characters is going to say.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Writing in Bed

I am writing these words while I'm laying in bed. You may be asking how am I writing while I'm in bed. The easy answer is I'm dictating into my phone.

Sometimes I have great ideas while I'm trying to go to sleep. These are the moments when I am most inspired to write. When this happens I either turn on the light grab my notebook and write down the ideas, or I grab my cell phone open a document and start dictating what I want to write.

If you are sleeping next to someone and they happen to be in the bed with you, dictating may be rather annoying. If you were talking to your cell phone, you might get slapped by a person trying to sleep. This might be the moment you may need to get up and go to the living room and sit in for the computer and start typing. Your significant other will appreciate it, and you will most likely get more written.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Write more, Earn more

I am finding that if I write on a regular basis, the money will start to flow my direction. I have been trying different websites for posting blog posts. The name of the website I have been using is I have already requested my first payment of $50. It is supposed to be here by the first week of September. I am very close to being ready to request my second payment of $50. The only problem is the website is suffering from some bugs keeping me from that threshold.

The old website I used to write on called has sent out an email stating that they have sold their business to HubPages. So this means they will not be paying me anymore. I wasn't making much from them anyway. I haven't made more than $15 or $20 in the last six months.

Today I think I have decided to start writing more on this blog. I think there is a better possibility of earning money here than there ever will be on any other third-party website. One day maybe I might spend some money on my own blog again. As of right now, I don't know when that's going to be.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sleep Happy Die Happy

“As a well spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings happy death.” - Leonardo da Vinci

I can’t think of many people who would want to think about their death. I am not talking about how you are going to die. I am talking about death itself. The moment when you let go of your life. What will the last thought be when you exhale that last breath of air? Will you leave with a smile on your face knowing you have done all that you can in the time you were given. Would there be more regrets than triumphs.

DaVinci wanted us to think about how we are living our lives. He wanted us to think about what we might do to make a difference in the people and the community and the nation around us. Think about what we could do to be happier. What could we do to strive, to do better in everything we do, to be excellent in whatever we put our minds towards.

I think we need to end the day like we were not going to wake up. If we knew that we were going to die sometime while we slept, would that change how we live today. Would we treat people a little bit differently? Would we try a little harder to spend time with those we love, those who are around us, but we take for granted because they are always there?

One of my favorite shows on TV right now is “How I Met Your Mother”. Barney states in one episode that he was going to make every night LEGENDARY! He would get together with his buddy Ted and do something neither one of them had ever done. Some of the things that make the nights legendary include eating everything on the bar menu, starting a mariachi band, and nearly bungee jumping off the Statue of Liberty.

We don’t have to go to those kinds of extremes, but we could do things we have never done. Try a new food. Go somewhere you have always wanted to go, but didn’t see the reason in it, whether it be expensive or a little far away. Now is the time to do it. Make everyday count for something.

I would also suggest you keep some sort of daily journal about what you have done to make today count. Write down those people you met, those art galleries you visited, those books you wrote, so you can go back later and smile at your accomplishments.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Learning From Experience

If you hold a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way. - Mark Twain

I wonder how many people have actually picked up a cat by the tail. I have. They truly do not like it. It hurts them and if you don’t let go in a hurry, it can seriously injure them. They will do whatever it takes to make you let them loose. They will curl up and grab hold of your wrist digging every claw and fang into the flesh of your arm. If you have never seen or experienced this before, it can be hard to know what will really happen.

Thinking about that image of a cat tearing up your arm, you may think, “Why would I ever want to pick a cat up by the tail?” I would never suggest that you do unless for some reason you like the feeling of claws in flesh. What Twain was trying to say is that sometimes you have to just do something to experience it, to learn from it even if it is painful. You might expect it not to work, but taking a chance will show you what might work and will not work.

Most people seem to live their lives cautiously. They are afraid to take chances, to do something other than what they are used to. If you can’t take those chances, then you can’t really live. Chances like talking to someone new, someone who you would never expect to want anything to do with you or buying a house or starting a business. Find a way to make it happen while minimizing the risk to your finances.

You might want to travel , but your afraid of the language barrier or getting lost or getting mugged or any other endless possibilities. Sure, bad things might happen, but are you willing to lose the opportunities and excitement and stories you will be able to tell by getting out there and doing it, just because something bad might happen.

I took a road trip by myself in 2003. I was in a transition period in my job and relationship and I decided to drive from South Florida all the way up to Maine. I stopped and visited some friends. I even visited my Grandmother on the way. I got to spend days in our National Capitol and New York. I spent three days hanging out in my favorite author, Stephen King’s home town, Bangor. I was able to see his house and take the Stephen King tour and even visit the famous “Betts Bookstore.” These are the types of stories you will be able to tell if you grab the cat by the tail and do something you think is worth doing.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Oh Wells’ are Better than What Ifs

“I would much rather live a life full of Oh Wells’ than a life full of What Ifs” ~ Smart Passive Income with Pat Flynn

Pat says we should live our life by taking the risks we need to make our dreams come true. every dream comes with many mistakes, failures and stumbling blocks. You have to make it past all of that if you truly want to make your dreams come true.

One of my favorite examples is about Thomas Edison and his quote when someone asked him how he kept going after 10,000 failures trying to invent the light bulb. He said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that it won’t work.” If we want something bad enough, we must keep trying. We must not let anyone else talk us out of trying.

In the book called “The Traveler’s Gift” Andy Andrews main character David Ponder meets Gabriel the angel. Through him he discovers a room bigger than any eye could see. This room was full of ideas, inventions, medical cures, books, movies and anything else people came up with but just never had the time, money or courage to create. Imagine the possibilities, what could be accomplished if everyone could create whatever they could dream.

Take the time today to sit down with a notebook and write down the ideas that will make your dreams come true. Then schedule the time to work on these dreams each and every day. There has to be something you can do today that will get you closer to your dream. Even if all you can do is put it on paper, then do that one small thing. Start to meet people who can help you get closer to that dream. Find others who share the same passion as you. A group of people are more likely to flush out the dreams than only one mind.

As you move forward, take the precautions you need to protect yourself from the price of possible failures. If you want to start a baking business. Start in your kitchen. Save your profits to rent a kitchen or a store front. When you earn more money, then incorporate and hire some help. Don’t let yourself be in debt in case the store fails.

If we can take the risks needed, even if we fail and have to pay the price for those failures, we will not be wondering later in life if we could ever have made those dreams come true. If we can make those dreams come true, then we will live in happiness and will be able to share that happiness with everyone around us.