Sunday, August 31, 2014

Do We Need to Write on Paper Anymore?

It is the digital age, at time where everything we do seems to be done on the computer or on the cloud by some sort of mobile device. 

I have begun to wonder if there is even need for paper anymore. We can have receipts sent to our cell phones or emails. We can write letters on Facebook. We don't even read our books on paper anymore. We all have tablets. 

I find that it is easier to dictate what I want to write onto my phone than it os to find a moment to sit down and write Somerjing on a keyboard. 

What I do still use paper for is getting my ideas out. I still walk around with a composition book I keep nores and ideas in. It is also great for doodling in. It's harder to doodle freely on a computer or tablet.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Writing on the toilet

I am someone who will take something with me to write on when I go to the restroom. Sometimes because I really need to use the potty. Sometimes I'm just using the bathroom is a way to get away. Most of the time I will read. I will bring a book with me or I will surf the Internet on my smart phone or just check email. But sometimes I will use this opportunity to write.

There are many ways to write on the toilet. I find the easiest is to use the various apps available on your smart phone. I will sometimes write on the notepad or I will write in Facebook or I will write on the Blogger app.

If I don't have anything specific to be writing, I will bring my notebook and brainstorm ideas. My notebook has plenty of starting points for me. All I have to do is flip through the notebook and find something that I can build upon and start writing.

I have known people to take their laptops in the bathroom with them. I don't know if I will ever do that myself. I think a laptop on my lap while I'm trying to do my business is a little awkward. It's a lot of hardware to have to move when you need to do what you need to do.

Whether you are in the bathroom for five minutes or 25 minutes take something with you to write on. The quiet moments in this room is a great way to work out some details for a story or to outline a series of books or even just the jott down a quote that you know one of your characters is going to say.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Writing in Bed

I am writing these words while I'm laying in bed. You may be asking how am I writing while I'm in bed. The easy answer is I'm dictating into my phone.

Sometimes I have great ideas while I'm trying to go to sleep. These are the moments when I am most inspired to write. When this happens I either turn on the light grab my notebook and write down the ideas, or I grab my cell phone open a document and start dictating what I want to write.

If you are sleeping next to someone and they happen to be in the bed with you, dictating may be rather annoying. If you were talking to your cell phone, you might get slapped by a person trying to sleep. This might be the moment you may need to get up and go to the living room and sit in for the computer and start typing. Your significant other will appreciate it, and you will most likely get more written.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Write more, Earn more

I am finding that if I write on a regular basis, the money will start to flow my direction. I have been trying different websites for posting blog posts. The name of the website I have been using is I have already requested my first payment of $50. It is supposed to be here by the first week of September. I am very close to being ready to request my second payment of $50. The only problem is the website is suffering from some bugs keeping me from that threshold.

The old website I used to write on called has sent out an email stating that they have sold their business to HubPages. So this means they will not be paying me anymore. I wasn't making much from them anyway. I haven't made more than $15 or $20 in the last six months.

Today I think I have decided to start writing more on this blog. I think there is a better possibility of earning money here than there ever will be on any other third-party website. One day maybe I might spend some money on my own blog again. As of right now, I don't know when that's going to be.