Friday, August 22, 2014

Write more, Earn more

I am finding that if I write on a regular basis, the money will start to flow my direction. I have been trying different websites for posting blog posts. The name of the website I have been using is I have already requested my first payment of $50. It is supposed to be here by the first week of September. I am very close to being ready to request my second payment of $50. The only problem is the website is suffering from some bugs keeping me from that threshold.

The old website I used to write on called has sent out an email stating that they have sold their business to HubPages. So this means they will not be paying me anymore. I wasn't making much from them anyway. I haven't made more than $15 or $20 in the last six months.

Today I think I have decided to start writing more on this blog. I think there is a better possibility of earning money here than there ever will be on any other third-party website. One day maybe I might spend some money on my own blog again. As of right now, I don't know when that's going to be.

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