There are very few things in life that bring joy like that of finding a coin on the ground. It's like finding a little bit of life when there was none. Maybe that sounds a little arrogant or selfish, but finding money when you previously didn't have any brings a little hope where there wasn't any.
There are several reasons why we like to find money. It makes us feel like the world has a little extra to give to us, like we actually mean something, we're worth the occasional investment.
Money is a symbol of wealth, and every time we find a little bit of that wealth it makes us feel richer, like we have a little bit more of what the world has to offer.
Some people feel an opportunity when they find money. They think about what they can use that money for to create more money or new opportunities or maybe even just find a way to help other people.
I find when I stumble across an extra coin or two, they seem to look back at me and signify a story. Those coins have been in other people's pockets, they have been passed around from shop to shop between neumerous people and somehow fell out of a pocket and landed on the ground for me to find. I look at the date on the coin and feel the texture that is left on the face of that coin and wonder what that it has seen in its lifetime.
Finding coins, For most people, is an occasional occurrence. It's something we Stumble Upon. It's a tiny surprise in the midst of our day. But I have found if you are looking for coins you will find them more often. Over the course of the last few years I have found several places and several techniques that allow me to find more coins. I want to share those places and techniques with you.
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