Wednesday, March 2, 2016

BRAINS: Do You Really Need Them to Write

This past week I have been reading the book called, "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale. A lot of the words he writes is higher-end, Very educated. The book was published back in the 50s when being an author was reserved for the most educated people.

I don't think we need that kind of education these days when it comes to writing. Most people want to read books that are on their level. If we write above that level, we begin to lose readers and the majority of people will not read past what they don't understand. 

When I was growing up we were taught if we came across words we didn't understand, we should look them up in the dictionary. I don't know if they suggest that anymore. Many people will ask Google what something means if they don't understand a word. I think the majority of people just ignore words they don't understand. 

When we're writing books, it is fun to play around with words and phrases. It is fun to challenge your readers. But I think they have to be few and far between otherwise your reader will put down the book. I'm not sure if this is true for everybody but I think the general consensus will be the same.

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