Friday, June 26, 2015

Just Begin. The Rest is Easy.

The founder of Publix supermarket, George Jenkins, was quoted as saying, "Just Begin. The rest is easy." I find beginning is the hardest part of any project. Beginning to write each day is the hardest part of my writing routine.

When I think about writing each day, i write an outline of what I want to write for that particular day. If I have a plan, then I have more success finishing the books I want to write.

I have created a formula separating each book into 21 parts. Most days I write 1 of those parts. If I can write several parts at one time then I can get the book completed quicker. Sometimes I am able to write a book in about 4 days depending on how motivated I am. 

Editing each book tends to be the most labor-intensive part of writing. Usually I go for a two or three day editing session where any free time I have is been editing.  If I can edit 5 parts every day, then I can publish each book fairly quickly. 

Here are a few things I do to help get me started.

1. I look at my notebook and outlined several ideas at once. I will look back at some of my other outlines and complete them or use them to start new outlines. This inspiration will sometimes give me writing.

2. I will look at blog posts that I have written in the past and use them to either write new blog posts or I edit them to make them better. Sometimes editing these posts will jumpstart an idea and I can set it aside and get started writing something new. If nothing comes out of that blog post then I have just created a stronger post for anyone who might be reading.

3. I go somewhere different. If I can find a park or a quiet spot in the woods or take a walk down the street. I can write by dictating into my phone. This allows me to remove myself from distractions and I can get started by focusing on what I'm writing. The walking is the way I begin.

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