Thursday, May 24, 2012

Write it Over and Over Again

Do you remember as a kid when you were in school and you did something you were not supposed to do, your teacher would make you write sentences on the chalkboard or on a piece of paper? I remember. The teacher made you do this so you would remember the lesson you were supposed to be learning. Maybe it was to be quiet when others were talking, or not running in the hallways or something else you didn't know you needed to learn.

Repetitive statements like this have a power some of your teachers may not have known. Not only did it make you remember what you were or were not supposed to be doing, but it made your mind make that particular action happen, but only if you believed in what you were writing. This is the power of affirmations.

The catholic church made you say Hail Marys to help you absolve some sort of sin you'd committed. Every time you made the rehearsed mantra, you were thinking about what you did and that you will never ever do it again. If you could focus your mind on the blessings in those moments for every chant you made, you will be able to see more blessings around you and possibly trigger new ones to begin. That is the power of the repeated affirmation.

As for me, I decided to start writing in a pocket notebook a sentence over and over again. What is that sentence you may ask? I write, "I make $200,000 per year." over and over again. I plan to continue to write this phrase till my subconscious believes it to be true. I expect to fill up this entire notebook with the phrase. I may have to go through several of them before I can break through the limiting beliefs that are in my mind.

How many times should I write it? In the books I have read, they state you should make your affirmations at least a thousand times. They were talking about speaking your affirmations and not writing them, but I think the exercise goes a long way. There is something about that thousand time mark. They say if you can fold a thousand paper cranes you get to ask for one thing to come true. If you can write what you want down on paper a thousand times, then how you think about it will change. You will start to believe it. 

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